About Link.EXE

Zelda.EXE and Link.EXE corruption has existed in ROM Hacks for years. Failed and glitched fan-created ROM hacks of Zelda (for Nintendo) and Zelda: Link To The Past (for Super Nintendo) are to blame. The corruption is usually in the atmosphere and gameplay of these games. With light areas of the map becoming dark and friendly NPC’s becoming evil. Sometimes Link is also affected. Playing as Link.EXE in a corrupted game isn’t fun. Your control over Link becomes possessed. The player can only control his direction. Link.EXE automatically kills anyone in his way. Instead of enemies disappearing upon death, they lay dead on the ground in a pool of bloody pixels.
Link.EXE is usually seen with blood dripping from his eyes and always has a creepy smile. He has a dark aura around him that attracts negativity and darkness. When more Link.EXE information is available this page will be updated!

Games To Download
Past.EXE (A Zelda.EXE Horror Game By Randy Becker) – The Past.EXE game is based on the events right before Link became corrupted. It’s a short Link To The Past game that gives you a glimpse of .EXE corruption in the land of Hyrule. When the entire world becomes swallowed by darkness there’s nothing Link can do. All good and evil beings are forced into the darkness. Link will be forced to transform into Link.EXE.
>> CLICK HERE << To Download Windows PC Version Of The Game. It’s a shame there isn’t more .EXE games based on Zelda. When other decent games are released we will update this page.
Resource Links
- NEW_DAWN.EXE (Zelda.EXE) ROM Hack Video Footage – Real recorded footage of Zelda.EXE ROM hack corruption. The design of Zelda has been totally corrupted here. It’s all blood-red resembling Virtual Boy graphics. Some say this is the unreleased corrupted version of Zelda ported to the Virtual boy console.
- Zelda.NES (Zelda.EXE) ROM Hack Video Footage – Is it just Zelda? It looks like Zelda lol. Oh, wait you have to watch it until the end xD.
- A Creepypasta Story – A convincing story about Zelda.EXE. It faced some criticism. Who knows if it’s really true or not though!
- Youtube Videos
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